Category Musings

Stuff that was months spent thinking up!

Farewell to Twitter, 2: Escaping the Dudeliness

Thank you, women of Twitter!


Trying to remember how remembrance used to be

Fintan O’Toole: We Don’t Know Ourselves

A rather excellent book about Ireland

Little daily things

incidental tiny things


A very provisional list.

Farewell to Twitter, 1

If you’ll let me have you in my daydreams, I’ll let you have me in yours, as Bob Dylan didn’t quite say

Erika Stucky

A Swiss and American artist, an exceptional vocalist and musician, who, for me, gets close to the bone.

What kind of retrogrouch am I?

TL;DR some guff about things that might be better left unexplained

Sweeney and Sisyphus

A little mythology

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