I’d have things to say. But can’t review everything all at once. A little list will have to do.

Books I’ve read & recommend:

Ishbel Holmes: Me, my bike and a street dog called Lucy

Emily Chappell: What goes around
Where there’s a will

Paul Jones: End to end

Sally Hinchcliffe: Hare House

Kate Rawles: The carbon cycle

Ursula Martin: One woman walks Wales

Helen Moat: A time of birds

Isola Press/ Mark Hudson: The Rough-Stuff Fellowship Archive

Fred Wright: Rough stuff cycling in the Alps

Irish interest (read recently):

Fintan O’Toole: We don’t know ourselves

Eda Sagarra: Living with my century

Nuala O’Faolain: Are you somebody?


Martyn Rady: The Middle Kingdoms – A new history of Central Europe

Books I gave to someone without reading (a rare mishap):

Kate Rawles: The Life Cycle

Books I want to read

Kate Rawles: The Life Cycle

Rebecca Lowe: Slow Road to Teheran

Lee Craigie: Other Ways to Win

Ursula Martin: the one I hope she’s been working on

Tom Isitt: Riding in the Zone Rouge