Ride from 1 July 2017; original post from 7.7.2017
This week somebody tweeted a quiz by Rapha on what kind of climber one is so I went over there and whaddya know, I came out as a Big Ring Burner. Have to laugh at this especially as I have just installed a small ring to help me with the hills. I just like pootling around the mountains, that’s all. 😍
Camus said it rather well 😉:
»La lutte elle-même vers les sommets suffit à remplir un cœur d’homme. Il faut imaginer Sisyphe heureux.«
Well as it happened, I rode over the Leber and Trötsch once again last Saturday, just for good measure. I set off a bit late, around 11 am, and as I headed up the Zösenberg, dark clouds were closing in from both sides. There was no thundery feeling in the air and no noises of thunder in the distance. I carried on, making a note of every barn or house that looked like shelter. The insects had gone quiet … The rain came just after the school in Kalkleiten, followed by a number of riders rushing in the opposite direction. I carried on, with rain jacket on and made it over to Martinelli’s pub. Their main room was set up for some kind of private party and the front bar was full of damp cyclists like myself. After about 40 minutes or so it seemed fine to go on. The weather was coming down slowly from the north and we could already see blue sky behind the shower when I got to Martinelli’s.

The rest of the ride was fine to euphoric, with the air clear and relatively cool after the rain and the sunlight picking out bits of the landscape with improbable brightness. I think it’ll be time to move on to new routes now … we’ll see …

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